Color schemes
To use color schemes, please configure your color schemes by following below : Set up color schemes.
Color schemes allows you to choose a normal color for background, text, links, buttons, arrow etc.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Theme Settings -> Colors -> Schemes.
Set the color for the text (Used as foreground color on background colors)
Text link
Set the color for the link text
Set the background color (If a background gradient is set, the section's background will be set according to the background gradient setting)
Background gradient
Set the background gradient
Primary button
Button label
Set the color for the button label
Button background
Set the background color for the button (If a background gradient is set, the section's background will be set according to the background gradient setting)
Button background gradient
Set the background gradient for the button
Hover/Active label
Set the color for the button label on hover
Hover/Active background
Set the background color for the button on hover (If a background gradient is set, the section's background will be set according to the background gradient setting)
Hover/Active background gradient
Set the background gradient for the button on hover
Set the color for the button label
Set the background color for the button (If a background gradient is set, the section's background will be set according to the background gradient setting)
Background gradient
Set the background gradient for the button
Hover/Active color
Set the color for the button label on hover
Hover/Active background
Set the background color for the button on hover (If a background gradient is set, the section's background will be set according to the background gradient setting)
Hover/Active background gradient
Set the background gradient for the button on hover
Set the shadow color for the button